About Us
Mission Statement
The mission of the Bayside History Museum is to educate the public and visitors about the natural and cultural history of North Beach, Chesapeake Beach and surrounding beach communities through
collections, preservation, conservation, research, exhibits and related programming.
Brief History
The idea of starting a museum began in 2001. Grace Mary Brady, a member of the North Beach Historic Preservation Commission, had been working with the County Tourism office by participating in a Speaker's Series and creating exhibits for Calvert County's 350th Anniversary Celebration. During this time Ms. Brady amassed quite a collection of North Beach memorabilia in addition to photographs throughout Calvert County. Meanwhile, Mayor Mark Frazer and the Town Council for North Beach acquired the historic "Charlie Mead" House and the idea of starting a museum became a reality.
The Bayside History Museum was incorporated as a not-for-profit entity having a 501(c)3 tax exempt status in 2003 and the Museum opened its doors on October 30, 2004.
Mayor Mark Frazer (2010 to 2014) with support from the Town Council negotiated with the Board of County Commissioners to lease the Community Center Building, which was the site of the first fire department in Calvert County, COMPANY 1, North Beach Volunteer Fire Department, incorporated in 1926. It was also the site of the Twin Beach Library which operated out of this facility from 1981 to 1991 until the library was relocated to Chesapeake Beach. In addition, the Senior Center and Parks and Recreation used this facility until their new buildings were finished.
In 2012, the Town of North Beach and the Bayside History Museum leased the building located at 4025 4th Street, North Beach, MD 20714. The grand re-opening of the Bayside History Museum was held May 4, 2013.Featured exhibits include:
Amusement Park at Chesapeake Beach
Items from Camp Roosevelt, the first permanent Boy Scout camp in the United States
An extensive paleontological exhibit of fossils and artifacts collected from local beaches
Memorabilia from restaurants and places of dubious reputation from those early days.
Information about and items from the North Beach Fire Department, Calvert County's first fire company
Please drop by for a look at life in and around the Bayside communities and resorts of days gone by.Want to help?
Visit our Membership and Volunteer sections to see how you can help us protect and preserve our treasured Bay heritage.
Want to donate an item or share a story?
We are always looking for additional items to add to our collection: photos, souvenirs, advertising items and ephemera from Bayside area businesses and other items of historical significance in Bayside area history. Visit the Giving section to learn how you can help us improve our displays and enable us to better illustrate life as it was here in the past.
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